Dogs Cry in Night | Horror Sound Effects


Dogs bark for many reasons. They may bark because they want to warn us, out of excitement, out of fear or when they want to drive away someone.

What’s Behind The Night Barking?

Let’s take a look at some possible reasons!


Dogs, like people, can get bored if they’re alone for a longer period of time or if they don’t have anything to do. If that’s the case, your dog’s barking could be a sign of boredom.

According to psychologist and author Stanley Coren and his guide How Dogs Think how long a dog barks is indicating the message sent. According to this theory, if the sound is longer it’s probable that the barking is a conscious decision. The frequency is also important. Namely, if the sound is more frequent or fast, the barking can indicate urgency.

Dogs who are bored should be provided with various activities, such as fun toys. It goes without saying that you should pay more attention to your dog and provide exercise, both mental and physical.


Humans are not the only ones afraid of dark and the unknown. Dogs share the same feelings, especially fearful dogs.

When dogs hear any noise that startles them or is scary for some reasons, they will most probably start barking. This is their way of saying that something is going on and that those around should be aware of it, almost like an alarm.

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