Interview with Diego and Julio Hallivis (American Carnage)


Hi Julio, Hi Diego, how are you both doing?

Good. How are you doing?

I’m good. Thank you. American Carnage was wild. It was a little scary because of everything happening in the world today. The movie was inspiring and moving. How did this idea manifest for the two of you?

D.H.- Thank you.

J.H.- We wanted to makes something that we could all look back at in ten years, and know that it was positive. That we did something.

This cast was amazing. What was it like working with everyone?

J.H.-The cast was amazing. That was because of our casting director Carla Hool. Everyone was always prepared, they all got along. It was just so easy because you can see the chemistry between all of them.

D.H.- In that sense we got very lucky but you don’t know what’s going to happen when you put them all in the same room. They brought different skill sets and they all got along.

What do the two of you want everyone that will be watching American Carnage to know?

J.H.- Everyone should come and watch this movie with an open mind. We’re trying to express our feelings through art in a way that makes us better as human beings. There is a proper way to treat people and immigrants. What we’re trying to say here is that sometimes people are being treated worse than cattle.

D.H.- In the same time, we want them to enjoy themselves.

I thank you both so much for taking the time to talk to me today for

D.H.- Thank you, Janel

J.H.- Thank you, Janel

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