Scary Sounds For Z/AT, GZ/SAT, X/PT, and GX/SPTB (Feel Free


Since TheBarneyErrorLegend404 has made 4 Terra Barney Modes, I will make some Scary Sounds that create jumpscares more some More Extra Chances Only, so this means that I will let some Barney Error users use some 4 Terra Evil Barney Jumpscares, so if you are free to use it, then you must use those for your Random Character Errors if you like to try it on your own.

Z/AT: Zetta/Aquamarine Terra.
GZ/SAT: Giga Zetta/Scary Aquamarine Terra.
X/PT: Xenna/Purple Terra
GX/SPTB: Giga Xenna/Scary Purple Terra Barney

Note: This will now become the Final Video of January 2023.

Gift for @Zachdaepikdude, @DarkshadowYT2003,
@BarneyErrorltonTelevision5729,@mr.globalorganizaitioner7840, @owenthecatyt5321, and other character error users.

View Original Video Here