The superheroine known as Vampirella, created by Forrest J Ackerman and Trina Robbins, burst onto the scene way back in 1969, and the character made the leap to the screen with a feature film back in 1996. More recently, Vampirella has lived on in new comics released by Dynamite Entertainment, but she may soon be headed to screens both big and small. reports today that Dynamite has sold the worldwide film, television and streaming rights for the Vampirella property to Arowana Media Holdings, Inc., with the deal reportedly including “all Vampirella stories, characters and derivative works.”
CEO and Producer Mark B. Newbauer states, “We are thrilled with the opportunity to bring this amazing character to screen in a big way. Nick Barucci, founder and CEO of the prolific Dynamite Comics, is an incredible visionary with an eye for story, and a talent for integration into the zeitgeist.
“He and everyone at Dynamite have resurrected this character in a significant way over the past decade and this latest run with [Christopher] Priest feels like it’s just the beginning of her next 50 years and beyond. We are truly grateful for the faith and support of Dynamite, Nick, and their reps, including producer/manager Ford Gilmore of Illuminati Entertainment.”
From the planet Drakulon, Vampirella is a vampiric superhero who travels to Earth to hunt vampires. This puts her at odds with Dracula, responsible for creating Earth’s vampires.